
Friday, March 21, 2008

Show Your Chilren What To Eat

Lots of children are eating too much. First time in history doctors are seeing youth diabetes, high blood pressure, heart sickness, and joint troubles. Kids have to to eat right if they are going to have long and hale and hearty lives. Share these facts with your children and grandkids.Children should eat healthy.

* Read the serve size on the sticker first since it may not match US Government Food Pyramid serving size.

* Several consumers believe the label serving size is the suggested amount, except it is not. This amount is stand on the product's dietary study.

* Before you eat ask your self, "Do I want a piece or a serving?" Portion is how much you want to eat. Serving is a calculated amount, such as a plate or half cup.

* Serving amount depend on your age plus how many calories your body require each day.

* Use food label info to your benefit. Compare the serving amount that is listed with the amount you frequently eat. After that "right size” your serving size.

* Americans misjudge their food use by as much as 25 percent. To find out how much you are actually eating match up the food on your plate with the US Government Food Pyramid servings.

* To realize normal servings quantify food with a food weighing machine and regular calculating cups and spoons. Have you been over-eating?

* And of of course you can also use the hand technique to calculate food. Your fist is a cup, your palm is a serving of beef, your thumb is a serving of cheese or nut, and a handful is a serving of pretzels, chips or peanut butter. Match up your hand with a measuring cup before you calculate foodstuff.

Eat healthy servings with your children and carry on eating them.And also you can check children height weight chart

Don't forget to look what children should eat

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